Everyday Detox: Detox Your Mind!

Hey everyone, for our last Everyday Detox for Hormone Balance Tip I’m going to share with you a quick way to Detox your Mind!


That’s right – we are going beyond physical detox and today talking mental-emotional detox! In my experience, it’s just as important for hormonal balance.


And I’m talking the need to specifically detox from all of the negative chatter we hear – from ourselves.


You know what I’m talking about ladies.


Women are notoriously hard on themselves. I know you want to stop being so hard on yourself but I also know: it is not easy. I repeat – it is NOT easy. As a recovering perfectionist (who definitely has her moments of relapse from time to time!), I can tell you from experience that this kind of mind detox from decades-long negative Self-talk takes time, practice & patience.


So let’s start right now.



The easiest way to detox our negative Self-talk is to…


Talk to your Self like you’re talking to your best friend. Your BFF, your girl who always has your back.


It makes perfect sense and is easier to understand than just telling yourself to be gentle with yourself.


Don’t believe me?


Think about what happens we make a mistake at work. What do we say to ourselves?


I suck.

I’m so stupid.

I’m such a dork.

I can’t do anything right.


Would we ever say this to our BFFs? Jokingly maybe – but never seriously. Never with the cruelty or brutality that we all too often use to talk to ourselves.


We think they’re just words – but these words repeated over years, over a lifetime – make it so challenging for us as women to believe in ourselves, believe we can do anything, believe we are good enough.


So what does positive Self-talk have to do with our hormones?


Well, let’s talk specifically about a super-important hormone for the stress response: cortisol.


When we’re faced with our long-term daily stressors: work, family, relationships – cortisol is the hormone that is released to help us cope. Ideally, we would experience the stressor, let’s say – a deadline at work, and you freak out a bit. That would lead to a release of cortisol. You would handle the stressor, get through everything okay and cortisol would lower back to normal levels.


But think about what happens with our negative Self-talk:


You face a deadline at work and freak out a bit so that cortisol is released, but you also tell yourself you’re stupid which leads to more cortisol released. Then you tell yourself there’s no way you’ll make the deadline, which makes you freak out even more and leads to more cortisol being released. And finally ,you tell yourself you’re completely incompetent so even MORE CORTISOL IS RELEASED.


In spite of your negative Self-talk, you end up handling the stressor (because you’re a rock star!) but cortisol takes much longer to go back to normal, so it stays at higher levels in your bloodstream than it’s supposed to.


What’s wrong with too much cortisol for too long?


Excess cortisol can lead to

  • Continued high blood sugar levels which lead to weight gain (around your belly of all places!)
  • Insulin resistance: insulin is the hormone that controls blood sugar, so this adds to weight gain and  can disrupt ovulation in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Suppression of female reproductive hormones (estrogen, progesterone) which can lead to irregular periods, heavy periods, fertility issues, perimenopausal hot flashes
  • Thyroid hormone disruption: thyroid is important for metabolism, energy and healthy weight



Bottom line:


Choosing to detox your mind from negative Self-talk and speak to your Self the way you would your BFF, can improve the way you handle stress more efficiently, balancing your cortisol levels and preventing disruptions in other important hormones in your body.


So make sure you try it out this week!


Thank you!


A huge thank you to all of you who have watched the Everyday Detox series videos. I hope it has helped you work in some healthy habits that can help keep your hormones more balanced on a daily basis.


I’ll see you next week when I’ll announce my next month’s video health series.


Take good care of your Self until then!



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YES! I’m ready to take care of my Self!




If you’re ready for one-on-one naturopathic care backed by 15 years of experience helping people start and expand their families, click here or on the button below to get started.

You can also use the above button to book a complimentary no-obligation 15-minute Optimal Health Meet & Greet Visit so you can ask me questions about my approach to helping you feel your best through perimenopause & beyond – before committing to an initial naturopathic visit.

My Top 7 Liver-Loving Veggies

For today’s Everyday Detox tip for Hormone Balance, I’m going to share my top 7 veggies to help your liver detoxify from estrogen more efficiently and I’ll explain who really needs to do this the most.


And if you’re worried I’m going to tell you to buy some foods you’ve never heard of – I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised because they are all pretty common veggies, and hopefully, with giving you 7 options, you can find one that you enjoy.


To help support liver detoxification of estrogen on a daily basis, we want to choose veggies from the Cruciferous (or cabbage) family. This family of vegetables contains lots of healthy nutrients including antioxidants, fibre, vitamins, minerals and a compound called indole-3-carbinol (I3C). I3C has been shown to help the liver detoxify estrogen into its less harmful breakdown product.




My top 7 Cruciferous veggie picks

(in alphabetical order because I don’t want to play favourites – I really love them all!:

  1. Arugula (also known as rocket lettuce)
  2. Bok Choy
  3. Broccoli
  4. Brussels sprouts
  5. Cabbage
  6. Cauliflower
  7. Kale


Not sure how to enjoy them?


  • Bok choy, broccoli & cauliflower go great in stir-fries.
  • Oven-roasted Brussels sprouts can be super tasty.
  • I love to use arugula, kale & cabbage in salads – they each hold up well in easy-to-pack mason jar salads.


How do you know if you might need help detoxifying from estrogen?


Many people suffer from symptoms related to estrogen dominance (too much estrogen compared to the amount of progesterone in the body) including:

Estrogen dominance is also related to any conditions for which these can be symptoms of, including:


If you want to learn additional & personalized natural ways to help detoxify from estrogen and improve any of the conditions above, then click here.


I’ll see you next week for our final Everyday Detox tip!


Take care until then!


If you’re ready for one-on-one naturopathic care backed by 15 years of experience helping people start and expand their families, click here or on the button below to get started.

You can also use the above button to book a complimentary no-obligation 15-minute Optimal Health Meet & Greet Visit so you can ask me questions about my approach to helping you feel your best through perimenopause & beyond – before committing to an initial naturopathic visit.

How to Reduce Your Toxin Exposure (Without Breaking the Bank!)

It’s week 2 of our Everyday Detox series! If you missed the first week, you can find it right here.

Today we’re going to talk about reducing exposure to toxins because it’s known that many different chemicals can negatively impact our hormones.

It’s no secret that we’re constantly exposed to toxins on a daily basis. From what we eat to what we put on our skin to the air we breathe – we will never be able to eliminate all toxins from our lives. But we can help reduce some of that toxic burden on our body, allowing our organs of detoxification to work more efficiently.

Today I want to talk about how to reduce the toxin exposure we get from foods – specifically pesticides. And I know you’re probably thinking: “I already know what she’s going to say: Buy everything organic.” And that’s where you would be wrong!

I don’t believe that everything needs to be organic – but that you want to shop wisely and buy the most contaminated foods organic & save your money and buy the rest non-organic – and I’ll share my fave FREE resource to help you learn the difference.

To help me make sure I’m buying organic the smart way, I use research put out by an organization called the Environmental Working Group (EWG). They do a lot of great work and just this week, they updated their list of 48 commonly eaten fruits & veggies tested for the amount of pesticide residue found on them after washing & peeling. After analyzing all of the produce they ranked them from most to least pesticide residue and developed 2 helpful lists:

  • The Clean 15: the 15 vegetables or fruits found to have the least pesticide residue
  • The Dirty Dozen: the 12 vegetables or fruits found to have the most pesticide residue.

It’s been shown that pesticides can contain chemicals that may disrupt our hormones. They can also simply add to the toxic burden our liver has to deal with on a daily basis, overburdening its detoxification pathways, and giving the liver more work than it can handle.

How can you use this list to reduce your toxin exposure?

To reduce your pesticide & overall toxin exposure:

  1. Shop for produce on the Clean 15 List every week. Eating more of these veggies & fruits on a daily basis helps give you the nutrients & fibre you need while limiting your pesticide exposure.
  2. If you can afford it, buy certified organic versions of the produce on the Dirty Dozen list. That way you can enjoy their health benefits on a daily basis without worrying about giving your liver excessive toxins to detoxify.
  3. If you can’t afford to buy organic at all, as I know it can get expensive, try to at least avoid eating the produce on the Dirty Dozen on a daily basis. Instead, choose to eat them only once or twice a week, or once or twice a month – depending on how much you want to reduce your overall toxic load. Replace Dirty Dozen veggies in recipes with those found on the Clean 15 whenever possible.


How do you know if you need to reduce your pesticide exposure?

Most people can benefit from reducing their exposure to toxins but especially:

Final Thoughts

As you can see, many people can benefit from reducing their toxin exposure and minimizing pesticide ingestion, using these EWG lists make it easy to get started.

At the end of the day, even with considering pesticide exposure, the benefits of eating vegetables & fruits in terms of their fibre, antioxidant, vitamin and mineral content outweigh the risk of pesticide exposure, for most people, so it’s still always important to get your veggies & fruits in on a daily basis regardless of pesticide exposure. I hope that this blog helps you make wiser choices for you & your family.

I’ll see you next week where I’ll be sharing another everyday detox tip with you.

Take good care of your Self until then!


Ready for a one-on-one personalized fertility program to support you as you’re trying to conceive?

Click here to learn how Dr. Odette can help maximize your chances of getting pregnant whether you’re just starting to try to get pregnant this year or you are further along on your TTC (trying to conceive) journey.

If you’re ready for one-on-one naturopathic care backed by 15 years of experience helping people start and expand their families, click here or on the button below to get started.

You can also use the above button to book a complimentary no-obligation 15-minute Optimal Health Meet & Greet Visit so you can ask me questions about my approach to helping you feel your best through perimenopause & beyond – before committing to an initial naturopathic visit.

Everyday Detox: Hydrate for Hormone Balance?

When women come to me concerned that their hormones are out of balance, they never think water has anything to do with it…but it does!


In the first video of my Everyday Detox for Hormone Balance series, I take you back to basics and share with you the 3 things I do myself to make sure I get enough water throughout the day, to help all of my organs of detoxification function optimally.


I’ll even explain (briefly, don’t worry!), why water is important for balancing hormones.





Who can benefit from hormone balance (and this Everyday Detox series)?


Take good care of your Self until then!



Here’s my FREE gift to help you on your fertility journey:


If you want more FREE tips to help you plan for pregnancy (including a Quick Guide to Fertility Tests, then click here!) or click the button below!


FREE Fertility Test Cheatsheet Download


All the best to you on your fertility journey!



Ready for a one-on-one personalized fertility program to support you as you’re trying to conceive?


Click here to learn how Dr. Odette can help maximize your chances of getting pregnant whether you’re just starting to try to get pregnant this year or you are further along on your TTC (trying to conceive) journey.