How to Plan Your Meals For Beginners

It seems pretty self-explanatory, doesn’t it?

But it’s not that easy when you’re not in the habit yet!

You want to eat healthier but….

  1. You have no idea what that means because there are so many diets out there – keto, paleo, intermittent fasting & you don’t know what to choose
  2. You don’t have the time or energy to plan out your menu for the week and learn to meal plan and make a huge grocery list

Watch this video for a quick solution…or scroll to the bottom if you like to read!


Pick 1 day on the weekend: Saturday or Sunday to look at what you have going on in the week ahead.

If you’ll be home later than usual due to longer work hours from a project or extra shifts to help out a friend or extra-curricular activities you’re in charge of, if you’re a teacher, then you’ll need to have food fully or partially prepared.

If you don’t think this is important, think about what happens when you don’t plan ahead. Don’t worry, I’ve been there, I know what happens. When we don’t plan ahead and plan a good grocery shop for the week (and use it to actually cook those meals we end up resorting to:

1) expensive takeout that is not providing you with nutrient-dense food, or even tasty food

2) frozen dinners that don’t nourish you or make you feel satisfied after a long work day

3) Toast or eggs or cereal for dinner. We’ve all been there, and breakfast for dinner can be fun – but typically nourishing. Every. Single. Night.

So we’re agreed – this takes some planning.

Expect to spend approximately 15-20 minutes planning out meals for the entire week – or at the very least dinner. And then make a plan to spend 1-2 hours preparing at least partially some of those meals.

BONUS: Plan for leftovers that are easy to pack for lunch the next day!

Till next week – take good care of your Self,

Dr. Odette

How to make time for Self-care

So you want to make Self-care a habit for 2019?

This is a toughy.

Especially for women. Especially when we’re knee deep in busy-ness. Which I know you’re gonna say – is all. The. Time. I hear you.

I get busy-ness. I really do. So I make sure I sneak in Self-care regularly – and it only takes 15 seconds, so I do it multiple times per day…check out the video to see how!

No time for Self-care?

Let’s do something about this. We can’t afford to wait until things settle down to get Self-care in.

Our Problem

We think Self-care has to be some huge ordeal: 1 hour of yoga class, or 1 hour at the gym or a 1-hour mani-pedi.

All Self-care yes, and all amazing and well-deserved.

But since when does Self-care have a time limit? When did it become another thing to put on your never-ending checklist?

My Definition of Self-care

Self-care is anything you do that makes you feel like your Self again.

So find out what that is. And do it. Daily if at all possible.

And if you don’t know where to start. Consider my daily Self-care go-to: abdominal breathing which you can learn right here in this video.

Until next week – take good care of your Self,

Dr. Odette