How I Stick To My Physical Activity Goals…and You Can Too!

We’ve all said it: I’ll go to the gym tomorrow. 

It’s so hard to get into the habit of movement when you’re tired, and you’ve been away from it for a while. And maybe like myself you’re not naturally athletic and feel like a dork when you try to do something.

It’s okay, I’m with you.

So today I’m sharing the 3 secrets I’ve been having success with in staying motivated to move my body to keep my physical Self-care on point!

My 3 Secrets to Sticking With Physical Activity

1. Get Clear on Your Why

Ask yourself why you want to be more physically active. Getting clear on your why is in my mind, the best motivator. But the thing is, it has to go beyond the important but easy to push aside reasons:

I want to lose 10 lbs.

I want to gain 10 lbs.

I want to run a marathon.

Those are all great milestones to achieve – but why do you want to do any of those?

How will losing 10 lbs, gaining 10 lbs or running a marathon change your life? Make your life better?

What will achieving those goals help you do?

Not sure what I mean?

Think about these reasons why you could choose to work out:

I wanna have energy to play with my kids.

I wanna be able to walk up the stairs without huffing and puffing.

I wanna have the energy to play with my grandkids for a long time to come.

I wanna feel fabulous and like my Self again, when I look at myself in the mirror.

I think you get the picture now. Because those reasons aren’t so easy to push aside. Those reasons mean something to you.  So make your “why” a real and meaningful reason for you.

What do you want, really want in life that getting more active will help you accomplish?

Journal it or write that down and stick it somewhere you can see it every day.

Set a realistic goal

Set a realistic goal meaning make it something you can achieve, even though it will be a challenge at first. Commit to walking 2 times per week and increase it to 3 times after you’ve done that for a couple of weeks. While it’s tempting to get all excited and think “go big or go home” – start small, check of those goals and keep expanding on it week by week. Celebrate that goal when you reach it and raise it so you keep challenging your body and your Self.

Track your success

Use your fave smartphone app to remind, track and motivate you to stick with your health goals. I’ve gone through a few, and what’s working for me right now are:

GoogleCalendar which will easily allow you to set a goal, just like you’d set a reminder or an event. It will let you customize it to running, walking, yoga – whatever. You can set how many times per week you want to do it and it’ll ask you when you’d like to start. It will ask you “Ready for your workout?” and you have the option to click “done” or “later”. And it feels so good to check off done, and gives you a good reminder when you have to check off later!  You can also link it to the next app I’m using a lot right now which is GoogleFit.

GoogleFit is neat because it also allows you to set the frequency of various types of exercise per week and gives you a graph to see how you’re doing, which is helpful if you’re more visual. For instance, you can set it with a goal to do yoga 2 times per week, HIIT 2 times per week, monitor step count and total minutes of physical activity per week. Super helpful, if you like to see overall progress and improvement.

More of a pen & paper gal?

No problem! Kick it old school and give yourself a gold star for every workout you do – on a real paper calendar!

It feels so rewarding to look back on the month before and try to top what you did the next month! You can simply write in the workout (as much or as little detail as you like), or give yourself a little checkmark or…you can also use stickers!

I’m serious.

And I do this.

The Bottom Line

In reality, it doesn’t matter what method of tracking you use – just use something that will help you see how much you’ve progressed. It’ll feel great and keep you motivated to keep on moving for your why!

One more video to go in our Self-care Reboot Series…see you next week for it.

Take good care of your Self until then!

About Odette Bulaong

A Toronto-based naturopathic doctor helping people optimize their fertility & reproductive health from their first to their last period. Through in-person and virtual one-on-one visits and online programs, I help people understand, trust and love their bodies again so they can take charge of their health & live their best life.

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