Physical Medicine & Hydrotherapy


Physical Medicine & Hydrotherapy


Physical medicine includes naturopathic bodywork techniques, stretching, and physical activity to help to relieve physical and mental stress in the body. Dr. Odette assesses your muscular and skeletal health complaints and refers you to the appropriate health care professional for more in-depth treatment including chiropractic, massage therapy, physiotherapy and chiropody as necessary.


Hydrotherapy incorporates the healing properties of water. Dr. Odette recommends various forms of hydrotherapy in order to decrease inflammation, improve cardiovascular and lymphatic circulation. These gentle therapies can play an important role in restoring circulation for optimal fertility, menstrual health, and menopause.


Did you know?

If you’ve ever used an ice pack for a sprained ankle, then you’ve used hydrotherapy.


Dr. Odette recommends various hydrotherapy techniques for conditions including:

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