Well hello there, I'm Dr. Odette (she/her)!
I'm on a mission...
Everyday Self-care for the Busy Woman: How to Move!
Happy International Women’s Day to all of you amazing, strong women out there!
Today we celebrate women’s achievements worldwide and draw attention to inequalities that still exist for women today.
And one area that I want to highlight is the need for us as women, as we continue to strive and break that glass ceiling in the workplace, is our absolute need to continue to make time for our Selves on a daily basis. It seems like the more women strive to succeed at work and take care of everything at home, the more at risk we are for burning out – and that’s often because we’re not doing the things we need to do to replenish all of the energy we give out to everyone else – whether it be at work or at home.
But I know, it’s a catch-22 and you’re thinking:
How can I make time for Self-care – when I don’t have time any time for my Self?
I totally feel your pain!
That’s why my goal for the rest of March is to share with you quick & easy everyday Self-care tips that you can do to help replenish & reconnect with your Self – so you don’t reach that burnout point.
And the first thing I wanna talk about is physical activity.
Don’t freak out!
I’m not talking about going to boot camp or yoga class or even that 15 minute HIIT routine you could do at home (if you had any time for your Self!) Just watch the video & you’ll find out my secret way to sneak in some movement, relieve stress and just give me an energy & mood makeover…all in 30 seconds!! Or if you’re more of a reader, scroll below the video to find out my super sneaky yet effective Self-care tip and why it’s SO helpful!
Everyday Self-care Tip #1: The 30 second dance party
I’m totally serious.
If you used to watch Grey’s Anatomy, back in the day, you know exactly what I’m talking about. I’m talking the classic, way back, early episodes when Meredith & Cristina would put on some tunes at the end of a long grueling day of surgery, relationship issues and drama…and they would call “30 second dance party” and just dance it out like nobody’s watching.
Why is the 30 second dance party a genius Self-care tip for busy women?
Studies show that music:
- Lowers cortisol (one of our major stress hormones) – and FYI chronically high stress makes you gain weight right in the mid-section, yup the belly 🙁
- Reduces stress
- Can help improve your immune system
Studies also show that dancing:
- Boosts endorphins – the feel good chemicals our body makes (these also make us feel happier and help relieve pain!
- Decreased stress, anxiety, fatigue & headaches and boosted the self-esteem, in teenage girls who participated in dance class
OBVIOUS BONUS: It only takes 30 seconds!!
I think the trick is to put on your fave song – something reasonably fast that you LOVE, that just makes you feel alive – “your go-to song” if you will. I have quite a few of those, but today, when I was in need of a bit of a boost, I turned to these 3 songs on my Strong Song playlist – songs by 3 strong women, I might add – that help me feel like a strong woman my Self, again.
- Just Fine by Mary J. Blige
- Run the World (Girls) by Beyonce
- I’m Coming Out by Diana Ross
But if you don’t feel like you have the time to dance around in your kitchen or living room, you could always play your strong songs in the shower, in your car, on the subway on your way to work (headphones of course), on your lunch break. You get the picture – you can benefit from the music portion pretty much anywhere and at any time.
Hopefully, I’ve encouraged you to throw your Self a daily 30 second dance party to help replenish your Self…because remember:
If you’re no good to your Self, you can’t be good to anyone else!
Happy International Women’s Day again & I’ll see you next week!
Take good care of your Self until then!
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