How to make time for Self-care

So you want to make Self-care a habit for 2019?

This is a toughy.

Especially for women. Especially when we’re knee deep in busy-ness. Which I know you’re gonna say – is all. The. Time. I hear you.

I get busy-ness. I really do. So I make sure I sneak in Self-care regularly – and it only takes 15 seconds, so I do it multiple times per day…check out the video to see how!

No time for Self-care?

Let’s do something about this. We can’t afford to wait until things settle down to get Self-care in.

Our Problem

We think Self-care has to be some huge ordeal: 1 hour of yoga class, or 1 hour at the gym or a 1-hour mani-pedi.

All Self-care yes, and all amazing and well-deserved.

But since when does Self-care have a time limit? When did it become another thing to put on your never-ending checklist?

My Definition of Self-care

Self-care is anything you do that makes you feel like your Self again.

So find out what that is. And do it. Daily if at all possible.

And if you don’t know where to start. Consider my daily Self-care go-to: abdominal breathing which you can learn right here in this video.

Until next week – take good care of your Self,

Dr. Odette