Optimal Egg Quality, Uterine and Ovarian Health
Fertility is about so much more than just getting pregnant. I tell all of my fertility patients that our goal is to get them as healthy as possible so that they have the best possible chance at getting pregnant, staying pregnant and delivering a healthy, full-term baby. That’s optimal fertility.
Many people only think about their fertility when they are ready to have a child. While some may be able to conceive without help, it may take longer for others. Unfortunately, the longer people try to get pregnant, the more pressure they tend to put on themselves, making the process of getting pregnant stressful and unenjoyable.
Fertility depends as much on a person’s overall health as their reproductive health. There are many factors that play a role in your ability to become pregnant including:
- Nutrition
- Health conditions (hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, fibroids)
- Hormonal balance (reproductive, stress, and sugar balancing hormones are all important)
- Stress and mental-emotional health
- Egg quality (impacted by age, hormone balance & environment)
Have you grabbed this must-have FREE download created for you by Dr. Odette?
The Optimal Fertility Checklist
Reduce your TTC overwhelm today
- A user-friendly Q&A style checklist to help guide your fertility journey
- Helps you become more clear on what is truly important when TTC
- Save you the time googling how to optimize your fertility with my 6 steps!
How can Dr. Odette help support your TTC journey?
With 15 years of experience, Dr. Odette has helped people start and grow their families – and has developed the KREATE Optimal Fertility Program as a result.
Curious if the KREATE Optimal Fertility Program is right for you?
Schedule your 15-minute complimentary KREATE Optimal Fertility Meet & Greet with Dr. Odette today! It’s virtual and no-obligation, so you can ask your questions and then decide if it’s right for you.
Who can benefit from a natural approach to fertility?
A naturopathic approach to fertility can support your chances of conception if you:
- Have taken the birth control pill for several years and are concerned about hormone balance
- Have been told you have low egg quality, poor egg quality, or decreased ovarian reserve
- Have been told you have unexplained infertility
- Have been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, endometriosis, or other causes of infertility
- Have been told you are of “advanced maternal age”
- Are interested in understanding and optimizing your reproductive health using natural therapies
- Want to learn how to optimize your menstrual cycle and support ovulation to enhance natural conception
- Are interested in combining naturopathic therapies (including nutrition, acupuncture) to support your chances of getting pregnant using assisted reproductive technology (e.g. IVF, ICSI, IUI, medicated natural cycles)
Did you know?
Dr. Odette often uses acupuncture and Chinese medicine to help support fertility based on research and her clinical experience showing the following benefits:
- Reduce stress and anxiety associated with fertility (whether natural or fertility treatments like IVF and IUI)
- Support egg/follicular development
- Support and balance hormones throughout your cycle
- Regulate and enhance ovulation
- Improve cervical fertile mucus
- Increase blood flow to the abdomen
- Improve success rates of assisted reproductive technology (IVF, ICSI, medicated natural cycles)
- Restore overall balance and health to the whole body and mind
Wondering if there’s anything that can be done to support sperm health?
Dr. Odette uses an integrated naturopathic approach to optimize sperm health & quality as well.
Overwhelmed by all of these medical terms and treatment options?
Not to worry. Dr. Odette understands this and explains her treatment plans and how they can enhance your chances of getting pregnant.
She also enjoys teaching you about your reproductive health and fertility treatments so you can be empowered to take charge of your fertility and your health.
Ready to schedule your naturopathic fertility consult?
You can also use the above button to book a complimentary no-obligation 15-minute Optimal Health Meet & Greet Visit so you can ask me questions about my approach to helping you feel your best through perimenopause & beyond – before committing to an initial naturopathic visit.